Back to School Flowers
Floral Bouquet
If you're looking for something beautiful and bright, you've come to the right place! This arrangement is full of vibrant flowers to brighten their day! With hot pink gerberas, golden yellow roses, Moonshade carnations, and more, Fruit Cocktail is the perfect arrangement for that special person in your life.
Gourmet Dipped Fancy Strawberries
Chocolate Covered Strawberries
Gourmet dipped berries don’t get fancier than this. Fresh strawberries, hand-dipped in rich, chocolaty confection and decorated with crunchy bits of toffee, chocolate chips, and drizzle. It’s a treat for the taste buds they won’t soon forget!
Carefree Spirit
Flower Arrangement
This striking arrangement is sure to have them smiling! With beautiful peach snapdragons, coral roses, yellow Asiatic lilies, and more, Carefree Spirit is a charming colorful mix! Send it to someone you love today!
Sweet & Delicious™
Fruit Bouquet
Every birthday should be celebrated with gold stars and confetti! Our fun and fruity arrangement is a delicious mix of dipped apple wedges showered in confetti sprinkles, juicy pineapple stars, plump strawberries and more. Presented inside a bright, colorful container, it’s a festive treat that’s fit for a party!